Saturday, July 3, 2010

Update on my finals

So as of last night my instructor still had not sent the necessary feedback to complete my assignment that is due tomorrow (tomorrow which is July 4th) so fuck me if I wanted to get my work done early so I can celebrate the holiday with my family!
This afternoon she finally posts our feedback with this message,
"This is a reminder that your week 8 checkpoint: research paper revision is due tomorrow, but make sure you take time to celebrate Independence Day.  It only comes once a year.  Please let me know if you have any questions."
Ummm yes I have a do you expect me to "celebrate" when I am writing your damn paper at the last minute? All because you chose to turn your work in the last munte, now Im forced to do the same or I receive a daily penalty off of my grade for tardiness. Funny how a college instructor can have such expectations yet does not hold herself to those standards. What a good example she is setting for her students!